Our ongoing projects and programme offer diverse opportunities to investors. Contact Us for more information. Invest in the world’s largest community business program and receive equitable returns on your Investment. The world’s best project portfolio incubators and accelerators for economic and financial acceleration.


Projects within this program include:

  • Project Africa PMO
  • Milestone 1000 Enterprises


– A mega education portfolio program initiative for emerging a new generation of World’s CEOs to power up the continent. Key programs include:

  • From School to Boss Program:  A Micro-Industry entrepreneurial development program featuring:
  • Serial Certification Mentorship Program
  • Project Incubator and Accelerator Program:
  • Grand Innovators Contest Program: Motivational Success Contests – Project & Digital Economy Benchmark Contests
  • Economic & Financial Acceleration Program: a Seed Capital Funding Program, a sustainable micro-economic or micro-financial model
  • Sustainable Careers Program- Professional Internship Project Labs


  • Higher Education Agile Centers of Excellence PMOs– a Higher Education Consultancy Program aimed to improve the higher education delivery foundations,  through  provision of tools, resources, scientific and technical research improvement opportunities, grants-based research development project writing support center, teaching and learning methodology CI improvement center, Best Practice coaching and simulation network conferences and seminars etc. Register Your Institution to take advantages of these powerful resources and scale growth.



What do you want to learn today?

Your Complete Guide to Photography

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary

Learn Python – Interactive Python

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary

Introduction to Edu_Learn LMS Plugin

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary